Posts in Creativity
2016 Intentions Check-In
Given that I’m a freelancer, one thing I’ve been trying to get better at is doing quarterly check-ins on my finances. And it occurred to me that it would be good to do something similar with my 2016 intentions given that it’s so easy to make resolutions or set intentions and then forget about them! To get up to speed with mine, you can read my original intentions post; below is a check-in, which, as you can see, I've had mixed results! If you feel compelled to share what you’re working on I would love to hear it!
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Friday Finds: 5 Cool Doodling Books
So today is National Doodle Day (in the UK anyway) and I figure it's just as good an excuse as any to inspire some creativity! I've long admired the ability of other people to create those pretty hipster doodles but I haven't ever had much success creating them myself. The good news is, there's plenty of inspiration out there, whether you want to learn to draw patterns, flowers, or even Star Wars characters. Here are 5 fun picks to try.
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