This'll Float Your Boat
What with the proliferation of summer sweat, dirt, and sand, you're likely hanging around the tub a lot these days. This morning Tracy reports on a super cool tub toy that Nana gifted to her younger son:
“Whenever Nana visits, she typically comes equipped with the requisite “long-distance-grandmothering” presents for the boys; however, this time she hadn’t had a chance to shop so we all set off for one of the local toy stores.
My older son gravitated towards his usual knights and rescue vehicles, while the younger descended on anything brightly colored in between stops at the Thomas Train Table. At one point I saw him hunker down in front of a display of bath toys; he was eyeing the Alex Work Zone Tub Island (shown). I was impressed that this modestly priced set included a floating “table,” pieces of foam “plywood” for building, a construction worker, and three trucks. Nana was equally impressed, so we went home with one tucked under his little arm.
In the tub, I was happy to find squirt holes in the figures large enough to help drain water (thus avoiding scummy build up inside), and the flat, foam-backed platform dries quickly post bath. My son enjoyed being able to play with “his guys” without having to search for them in the bottom of the tub, and has made at least 5 different structures with the “woods” each time he bathes. Other themes in this toy line include dinos, farm
, and race track