I've Been Babbled

Best-of lists are tricky. At best, they’re meant to be interesting, fun, and sometimes even inspiring; at worst, they cause ill will or seem random and/or contrived. In the former realm, I was honored and humbled to learn last week that I was named to Babble.com’s list of 50 Best Mommy Bloggers. So why is this list different and worthy of mention? First, it's purely editorial (not vote-driven), and second, there is a thoughtful editorial spread about why each blogger was selected. In addition to overall rank, there also are rankings for a handful of breakout categories; clearly, time and thought were put into this process.
Anyhow, I learned about this accolade last week -- technically old news in the online sphere. However, I wanted to share this link in advance of the holidays (when the web slows down a tad) in case you are interested in discovering some fantastic new blogs. Happy reading, and if you visit The Pioneer Woman, look up and try her tres leches cake; I’ve made it twice already and it’s spectacular.

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