Happy 2012 + Call for Writers

laptop.jpgHappy 2012 everyone -- I hope you had a wonderful holiday break! We soldiered through a plague-filled start to the vacation, but eventually recovered and enjoyed the relaxed pace so very much. I also did pretty well on my vacation week to do list and accomplished #1 (except we passed the plague on to my poor mother-in-law), #3 (almost...it will be out by the end of today...yippee!), #4, #5, #10 (oh my goodness I love my new site, feel free to take a peek), #11 (chocolate cake!), #13, #14, and #16.
I hope to knock off the remaining items this month, and will start with #7 (make an editorial plan for Boston Mamas), in a way, today. Over the break, even though I wasn't posting here, I was thinking about editorial on this site. As regular readers might gather, content tends to be organically inspired -- I don't have a firm editorial calendar (for example, specific topics on specific days of the week) and I don't crack the whip with the wonderful women who share words on this site. And while I love organically evolving content, I also feel that for all of our collective enjoyment/utility, I would like to feature more regular voices across a range of verticals. And get a little more organized in general. So today, I'd like to open a call for writers.

If you are interested in contributing to Boston Mamas, please fill out this brief application. In a nutshell, I'm looking for writers who are able to reliably contribute one blog post per month (compensated; either topic assigned by me or writer-pitched and approved) and who clearly enjoy writing and write well (i.e., posts must be thoughtfully crafted and spell checked). I am looking for everyday local moms who love sharing awesome ideas and finds (local or otherwise) and/or thoughtful editorial on deeper matters (e.g., family issues, child development quandaries).

Please note: I get pitched by a lot of businesses that want to guest post in order to promote their businesses. This is not what I am looking for. If you are a business and want to connect with my readership, please take a look at the contact guidelines.

Thanks so much, and I look forward to hearing from you! And please be patient while I sift through the responses. I will need to evaluate options and balance different variables across new and existing contributors, which will no doubt take a bit of tinkering!

Wishing you a beautiful 2012; thanks for hanging here! xoxo Christine

Image credit: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot via FreeDigitalPhotos.net