New Decade, New Look!

Is it possible to jump up and down with excitement while sitting at a laptop? Well, I'm doing some version of that right this second! To celebrate my new decade, I wanted to give this site the looong overdue gift of a makeover. It’s been seven years since I built Boston Mamas (I can't believe I used that awful pink background for so long...SORRY!) and I kept telling myself I'd get around to redesigning it myself and I kept not getting to it. Frustrating.

So, I recently decided to take a play out of the Minimalist Parenting playbook and DELEGATE. And in this case, delegate to someone who can do things way better than I can right now. I was simply thrilled that the amazing Elan Morgan had time to slot me into her busy workflow. I obsessed over new colorways and designed the new ducks masthead and a general wireframe, then Elan worked her design and technical wizardry to up the awesome on the layout I proposed and make the platform change from Movable Type to SquareSpace work shockingly seamlessly.

For these and many other reasons (her excellent writing and sense of humor, our shared fondness for enumeration, etc.), I am so thrilled to know Elan. Thank you, Elan, for making this site so beautiful and so much easier to read and navigate (I can’t believe I left the font so small all those years...again, SORRY!).

I hope you all love the new look as much as I do! What do you think?