Invest In A Woman

Do you know about fashionABLE? Not only are their products amazing, but this company works to give vulnerable women in Ethiopia opportunities for employment so they can lift themselves out of lives of prostitution and are not dependent on charity. I had the honor of visiting fashionABLE in Ethiopia last fall and these women are why Asha and I are donating 100% of book royalties this month to Women At Risk (order the book via to help the cause!).

Last fall the social media traction (and resulting sales) that resulted from the Ethiopia trip led to three new hires at fashionABLE. Three. New. Hires. That's three women given the opportunity to make new lives for themselves and their children. I wept. And in honor of fashionABLE’s third birthday and in the hopes that they can help more women, for three days starting today, everything at fashionABLE is 30% off.

Please watch this video...

...and shop fashionABLE. By doing so, you will invest in a woman.

I cried when I recently received this card from Team fashionABLE. These are the women you will be helping.