Edit Your Life Episode 14: Weekday Dinner Solutions

Modern day dinners are far from Rockwellian. More typically, they involve a revolving door of family members tired and hungry after a busy day, with parents who likely are lacking in motivation or sheer minutes to do a ton of prep work. Fear not! In Episode 14 of Edit Your Life, Asha and I share 9 tips for weekday dinner solutions, related to planning (don’t be afraid, this is totally minimalist planning!), efficiency, execution, outsourcing, and general mindshifts about what a modern day dinner really looks like.

It's super easy to listen right through this blog post or via an app on your device. Here's how!

  1. Via the web. Hit the "play" button on the podcast player embedded below.
  2. Via an app. For iPhones and iPads, use the purple Podcasts app. For Android devices, use the Stitcher, Podcast Addict, or Pocket Casts apps. In all cases, launch the app, then search for Edit Your Life. Benefit of using an app: once downloaded, you can listen to the show without an Internet connection.

If you're not seeing the Soundcloud player, you can listen to Episode 14 directly on Soundcloud.

And here are links to things/people/resources we mentioned during the podcast:

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Share a weekday dinner solution via your favorite social profile with the hashtag #EditYourLifeShow and let us give you a fist bump, or possibly a unicorn. You can also find us on the Edit Your Life Facebook page, or e-mail us at edityourlifeshow@gmail.com. If you found our show helpful, we’d be so grateful if you’d leave a review on iTunes!

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Image credits: thumbnail via Pixabay; Edit Your Life graphics by Christine Koh

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