Edit Your Life Episode 4: School Lunch Solutions
Is the school lunch angst creeping up on you? Yeah, we thought so. In this fun and practical episode of Edit Your Life, Asha and I share 7 solutions to tame the school lunch beast. Because really and truly, it can be tamed! And if you haven't done so yet, I highly recommend listening to our episodes on simplifying back to school, conquering procrastination, and why it's awesome to edit your life! We'd love to keep you company while you commute, do laundry, etc.!
Here’s how to listen!
- Via the web. Hit the "play" button on the podcast player embedded below.
- Via an app. For iPhones and iPads, use the purple Podcasts app. For Android devices, use the Stitcher, Podcast Addict, or Pocket Casts apps. In all cases, launch the app, then search for Edit Your Life. Benefit of using an app: once downloaded, you can listen to the show without an Internet connection.
If you're not seeing the Soundcloud player, you can listen to Episode 4 directly on Soundcloud.
And here are links to things/people/resources we mentioned during the podcast:
- Minimalist Parenting
- Edit Your Life Episode 2: Simplifying Back to School
- Jane Maynard: How making my kids’ lunches became a privilege (Babble)
- Jane Maynard of This Week for Dinner
- ONE Girls & Women (the organization behind Jane’s Malawi visit; Christine and Asha are also active advocates for ONE)
- Stephanie Nielson of Nie Nie Dialogues
- Healthy back to school lunch tips (Boston Mamas)
- 5 favorite bento boxes (Boston Mamas)
- Easier school lunch packing: designate a pantry “lunchbox zone” (Parent Hacks)
- How do I get my kid to eat more of her school lunch? (Parent Hacks)
- Asha’s favorite lunch boxes (that Christine also just started using!): EasyLunchboxes
- Asha’s favorite hot lunch container (sturdy and dishwasher-safe): Thermos Foogo
- Goldfish crackers (admit you love them)
We want to hear from you!
Let’s talk about school lunch! What’s working for you? What’s hanging you up? Share via your favorite social profile with the hashtag #EditYourLifeShow and let’s discuss.You can always find us on the Edit Your Life Facebook page, or e-mail us at edityourlifeshow@gmail.com. If you found our show helpful, we’d be so grateful if you’d leave a review on iTunes!
Interested in becoming an Edit Your Life episode sponsor?
We’ve got an awesome range of lifestyle/parenting/productivity topics in the queue for future episodes. If you’d like to discuss episode sponsorship, drop us a line at edityourlifeshow@gmail.com!
Edit Your Life podcast co-hosts Christine Koh + Asha Dornfest share 7 school lunch solutions.
Edit Your Life podcast co-hosts Christine Koh + Asha Dornfest share 7 school lunch solutions.
Edit Your Life podcast co-hosts Christine Koh + Asha Dornfest share 7 school lunch solutions.
Edit Your Life podcast co-hosts Christine Koh + Asha Dornfest share 7 school lunch solutions.