50+ Tween Book Recommendations (Of The Non-Romantic Persuasion)
Ever since mowing through The Hunger Games Trilogy, Laurel has been in a book rut. She loves reading but hitting the YA section at the library has so far proven challenging since so many YA books are romantically oriented. To be clear, I have no problem with romance, but Laurel -- at this moment anyway -- is so. not. into. that. I recently queried my friends about tween book recommendations of the non-romantic persuasian and wow, did they deliver!
The following list includes 57 tween book recommendations (of the non-romantic persuasion). For ease of use, the list is ordered alphabetical by author, with age brackets indicated by Amazon, and I've also included notes re: repeat recommendations and specific quotes people shared beyond dropping book titles. Enjoy!
1. Applegate, Katherine. Crenshaw (8 - 12 years)
2. Applegate, Katherine. The One and Only Ivan (8 - 12 years)
3. Bachorz, Pam. Candor (12 and up)
4. Beasley, Cassie. Circus Mirandus (9 - 12 years)
5. Birdsall, Jeanne. The Penderwicks (8 - 12 years)
6. Black, Holly. Doll Bones (10 - 14 years) [“...if your kids like scary stories.”]
7. Bosch, Pseudonymous. The Secret Series (8 - 12 years)
8. Buckley, Michael. The Sisters Grimm series (7 - 13 years)
9. Chainani, Soman. The School of Good and Evil Series (8 - 12 years)
10. Clark, Henry. The Book That Proves Time Travel Happens (8 - 12 years)
11. Colfer, Chris. The Land of Stories series (9 - 12 years)
12. Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games Trilogy (12 - 17 years)
13. Deuker, Carl. Runner (12 - 17 years)
14. Earl, Esther. This Star Won’t Go Out (12 and up)
15. Ellsworth, Loretta. In A Heartbeat (12 and up)
16. Fitzgerald, Laura Marx. Under the Egg (8 - 12 years)
17. Foley, Elizabeth. Remarkable (8 - 12 years)
18. Foxlee, Karen. Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy (8 - 12 years)
19. Gannon, Nicholas. The Doldrums Series (8 - 12 years) [“Strong female characters but plenty of boys too.”]
20. Garcia, Kami. Beautiful Chaos (12 - 17 years)
21. George, Jessica Day. The Tuesdays at the Castle series (8 - 12 years)
22. Green, John. Paper Towns (12 and up)
23. Green, John & Levithan, David. Will Grayson, Will Grayson
24. Hale, Shannon. The Goose Girl (12 and up)
25. Hatke, Ben. Zita the Space Girl Series (8 - 12 years)

26. Howell, Dan and Lester, Phil. The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire (12 and up)
27. Hunt, Lynda Mullaly. Fish In a Tree (10 and up)
28. Jamieson, Victoria. Roller Girl (9 - 12 years)
29. L’Engle, Madeleine. A Wrinkle in Time (10 - 14 years)
30. Law, Ingrid. Savvy (8 - 12 years)
31. Lopez, Diana. Confetti Girl (9 - 12 years)
32. MacHale, D. J. The Pendragon Series (10 - 14 years)
33. Mass, Wendy. Every Soul A Star (10 - 16 years)
34. Martin, Ann M., & Telgemeier, Raina. The Baby-Sitter's Club Graphix Series (8 - 12 years)
35. McMann, Lisa. The Unwanteds Series (8 - 12 years)
36. Meloy, Maile. The Apothecary Series (10 and up) [“Some minor romance, but mostly adventure, magic, science and one smart girl.”]
37. Mull, Brandon. The Five Kingdoms Series (8 - 12 years)
38. O’Connor, George. The Olympus Series (9 - 14 years)
39. Palacio, R. J. Wonder (8 - 12 years) *recommended by multiple people
40. Pearson, Ridley. The Kingdom Keepers Series (10-11 years)
41. Pierce, Tamora. The Circle of Magic Series (12 - 15 years) [“Real, actual non-white main characters!”]
42. Raskin, Ellen. The Westing Game (8 and up)
43. Riordan, Rick. Percy Jackson and the Olympians (10 - 14 years)
44. Rowling, J. K. The Harry Potter Series (9 - 12 years)
45. Ryan, Pam Munoz. Esperanza Rising (8 and up) *recommended by multiple people
46. Sachar, Louis. Holes (10 and up)
47. Sage, Angie. The Septimus Heap Series (8 - 12 years)
48. Sanders, Ted. The Keepers Series (8 - 12 years) [“Strong female characters but plenty of boys too.”]
49. Schmidt, Gary D. The Wednesday Wars (10 - 12 years)
50. Snicket, Lemony. A Series of Unfortunate Events (8 - 12 years)
51. Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. The Egypt Game (8 - 12 years)
52. Spinelli, Jerry. Stargirl (12 and up) *recommended by multiple people [“While Stargirl has some romance, mine hate romance and still loved the book.”]
53. Stead, Rebecca. Goodbye Stranger. (10 - 14 years)
54. Stead, Rebecca. When you Reach Me (8 - 12 years)
55. Stewart, Trenton Lee. The Mysterious Benedict Society Series (8 - 13 years)
56. Sutherland, Tui T. Wings of Fire Series (8 - 12 years)
57. Williams-Garcia, Rita. One Crazy Summer (8 - 12 years) *recommended by multiple people
Also my blogger friend Mia Wenjen’s daughter posted her favorite reads from 6th grade and 7th grade. So cool! Mia also offers tons of great literary recommendations on her site.
Image credits: book jackets via Amazon. Also, if you shop the Amazon links above I will receive a small commission on the sales. Thanks in advance!