Book Love: Recommendations From Lucrecer Braxton
I’m excited to share another round of book love (be sure to check out Lindsey Mead’s latest favorite reads)! Today’s recommendations come from Lucrecer Braxton, who I met and quickly fell in love at a blogging conference a few years back. Lucrecer is a woman of many talents; an award-winning photographer and graphic designer, podcaster (check out Hello Friend and Pick My Brain), digital marketing strategist, and watercolor artist. Aside from all of this Lucrecer is a voracious consumer of the written word; enjoy her picks and also follow her on Twitter and Instagram!
Lucrecer Braxton
Visual communications & branding expert, artist, speaker, closet comedienne, anger translator, podcaster
1. You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
I love You Are a Badass at Making Money with a deep passion. When I start having negative money thoughts, I fire up this audiobook and let Jen kick my ass. It is an encouraging book and one I have listened to well over 10 times.
2. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
Little Fires Everywhere blew me away with the character development and story. I hated to see the book end because I wanted to know what happened to the characters. Outstanding writing.
3. Rising Strong by Brene Brown
Rising Strong came at just the right time in my life. The first chapter was so good, I listened to it twice before moving to the second one. Then, I listened to that chapter twice. I could relate to the stories and they touched me deeply, reminding me I belong to me and that matters more than anything else.
4. Spoonbenders: A Novel by Daryl Gregory
Spoonbenders is an incredible book simply because of the storytelling. Character development was some of the best I have read in a really long time. I loved this book and the family. Period.
5. Crimes Against a Book Club by Kathy Cooperman
The things a mother will do to make money and make sure her children are taken care of. Crimes Against a Book Club was funny and touching all at the same time. I could relate to the characters and loved how it kept me listening.
6. I Can't Make This Up: Life Lessons by Kevin Hart
I Can't Make This Up is so long, but worth it. Get the audiobook. Period. Kevin goes off script so many times and it is a very funny book.
7. The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill
The Girl Who Drank the Moon is a young person's book, but the audiobook has an incredible narrator in Christina Moore. It is a beautiful story.
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