At-Home Nature Lessons: Hummingbirds
Our friend Hillary Truslow of Mass Audubon shares hummingbird scouting tips and resources. Be sure to check out Mass Audubons virtual summer camp options!
Any time we catch a glimpse of the tiny, remarkable hummingbird dashing from flower to flower in front of our window before zipping off way too soon it feels magical. Hummingbirds have to be one of the coolest birds, sure to impress all kids. Here are some fun facts + tips on how to attract hummingbirds to your yard:
Hummingbird Fun Facts
Their wings beat about 53 times per second.
They can fly upside down and backwards.
Their tongues actually split in two to lap up the nectar. (Watch this video to see it in action.)
They must consume more than their own weight in insects and nectar every day to stay alive.
They hatch from eggs the size of a bean.
Plus, identifying is super easy. There's only one species that is commonly found in the Northeast, and that's the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. The male has a ruby throat surrounded by emerald green feathers, while the female's neck is just white.
How to Attract Hummingbirds
There are basically two ways to recruit hummingbirds to your backyard, and I would recommend doing both to increase your chances.
Option 1: Put out a hummingbird feeder with nectar
There are scores of hummingbird feeders out there; I recommend one that attaches to your window. You can purchase nectar, but it's much cheaper (and more fun) to make it yourself.
To make your own hummingbird nectar:
Combine 4 parts boiling water to 1 part sugar.
Let the sugar dissolve and then cool.
Fill the feeder and store remaining nectar in the fridge.
Clean feeder really well once a week. This chore can be easier if you have two feeders; one in the dishwasher while the other is hanging outside.
Note: No need to add red dye -- it's neither beneficial nor harmful.
Option 2: Get some hummingbird-loving plants
Bee Balm (Monarda), Purple Coneflower (Echinacea), and Butterfly Bush (Buddlia) are easy to maintain and look great together. Not much of a green thumb? Try Hanging Fuchsia.
To learn more check out the Mass Audubon guide to hummingbirds, and also my post on bird watching for beginners!
Quick guide to hummingbirds, via Mass Audubon
Also, you can download a free set of four Summer Stroll Bingo sheets over at Mass Audubon!
Summer Bingo, via Mass Audubon