10th Birthday Giveaway: Priority Bicycles!
I’ve come to believe that the joy and freedom that comes with pushing off on a bicycle is a palpable universal. I distinctly remember the childhood moment when I learned to ride my friend Amanda’s bike (she was so generous to let me practice on her bike since I didn’t have my own!). Now as a parent, I feel a surge of happiness whenever I ride with Laurel and see her legs pumping and long brown hair flying behind her, and just last weekend I couldn’t stop smiling as I watched Violet holler with joy as she cruised long stretches without touching down on her balance bike. Even now -- 35 years after I first learned to ride on my friend Amanda’s bike -- I still experience moments of beauty on my bike.
It seems like such a simple thing, but I’m so grateful to own a bike! I first owned a bike at age 20 – for two happy days before it got stolen in Somerville. It then took me 20 years to get another bike, which I did last year thanks to Priority Bicycles (you can read my full thoughts here). This New York-based bicycle company is awesome; they want to make bicycles affordable and hassle-free so people can stop fussing and get out and ride! I won’t claim to fully understand the mechanics, but because of the bicycle’s belt drive system, it’s simple to assemble the bike out of the box (I felt totally bad ass putting mine together!) and it means that the bike is rust-free, grease-free, and never needs a tune up! CRAZY AWESOME, right?
Now, how cool this this? In honor of the Boston Mamas 10th Birthday Celebration, Priority Bicycles is gifting one lucky winner with their Priority Classic bicycle! WOO HOO! This bicycle retails for $449 and the winner can choose their frame style and color via the website! To enter to win, opt in to any or all of the four entry options in the Rafflecopter widget below -- each options gives you an additional entry! Please note that winners for this giveaway series must reside in the United States and when you enter to win, you will receive periodic (totally cool, not spammy!) updates from Boston Mamas + our giveaway partners. Good luck!
Image credit: Priority Bicycles